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    Diplomska naloga prikazuje ureditev delovnega razmerja na podlagi obstoječe delovnopravne zakonodaje. Ob tem so ločeno poudarjene posebnosti urejanja delovnega razmerja v visokem šolstvu. V drugem poglavju je predstavljena splošna ureditev delovnega razmerja, ki velja za vse delavce v visokem šolstvu, tudi za strokovno-administrativne in upravno-tehnične delavce, po obstoječi zakonodaji, v naslednjem pa posebnosti v visokem šolstvu, ki se nanašajo le na visokošolske učitelje in sodelavce ter znanstvene delavce in raziskovalce. Slednje posebnosti se kažejo predvsem v izvolitvenih nazivih, ki so pogoj za zasedbo delovnega mesta, zaposlovanje s krajšim delovnim časom, ki je lahko v okviru polnega delovnega časa ali nad polnim delovnim časom ter delovni čas. V četrtem poglavju so predstavljene okvirne značilnosti visokega šolstva v državah Evropske unije, in sicer v Belgiji, na Irskem in na PoljskemThis diploma thesis looks at the regulation of the employment relationship with respect to the existing labour legislation. In this regard, special emphasis is placed on the regulation of employment relationships in the area of higher edu-cation. In the second chapter, the regulation of employment relationships is pre-sented generally, taking into account all the employees in the higher education sector, including the professional, administrative and technical personnel. The third chapter focuses on the distinctive features of the regulation of employment relationships in higher education which are relevant to the teaching and re-search faculty and faculty assistants. These are principally related to the teach-ing and research titles which are required for filling a particular vacancy, part-time work as part of a full-time or overtime employment, and working time. The fourth part examines the general characteristics of higher education in three other European Union member states, namely Belgium, Ireland and Poland